Tales to remember
We work with elementary school children about bullying, based on participatory dynamics and critical reflection to reduce acts of bullying, while generating an atmosphere of care and respect between members of the group.
We work with elementary school children about bullying, based on participatory dynamics and critical reflection to reduce acts of bullying, while generating an atmosphere of care and respect between members of the group.
We work with high school kids about drug usage and its impacts on adolescents today. We seek to enable the recognition and critical reflection on the individual and shared consumption amongst youth, while ,also, raising awareness surrounding the knowledge of adolescents in regards to drug use in order to enhance their ability to act in a more informed and conscious way.
A training program on rights and inclusion for young people, focusing on music as a form of expression for the violation of rights.
Campaign that talks about sexually transmitted infections and prevention methods, about the gender inequality in occupation field and how this affects the younger population, both seen form the gender perspective and form the sexual education framework.